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Check-in - Scanning a barcoded ticket

Scanning a barcoded ticket or invite using the Qflow for events check-in app scanner.

Anthony Sergeant avatar
Written by Anthony Sergeant
Updated over a week ago
  1. Select the Scan tab.

  2. Select the Tap to scan button to open the scanner window.

  3. Place the barcode approximately 6 to 10 cm away from your device and within the on-screen scan frame.

  4. Once the barcode is correctly positioned the scanner will automatically focus on the barcode. Hold the scanner window steady until you hear a success beep and an onscreen tick is displayed. This represents a successful scan. 

  5. You can now select the Tap to scan button to repeat the process.

Please note - Unmatched or duplicate barcode scans are represented by a negative buzz sound and an onscreen X plus a time stamp of when the original barcode was scanned.

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