Log into the Qflow check-in app and download your event check-in data
Check your device is in Scan checkout mode. This is represented by a Checkout mode icon listed on the Ready to scan screen.
Select the Scan tab.
Select the Tap to scan button o open the scanner window.
Place the barcode approximately 6 to 10 cm away from your device and within the on-screen scan frame.
Wait until the camera auto focuses and you hear a success beep with an accompanying onscreen tick. This represents a successful scan.
Select the Tap to scan button to repeat the process.
*Unmatched or duplicate barcode scans are represented by a negative buzz sound and an onscreen X. Details of the original barcode scan time stamp are displayed for the hosts reference.
Please note - the check-in app will need to be in Check out mode prior to rescanning a guests barcode.
Useful link