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Your Qflow for events web dashboard
Real time management and control for all your event data and check-in team.
Advanced subscription billing
Creating & managing an RSVP list
Creating event session and/or scan point tags
What is a guest profile?
Filtering your event attendee statistics (head-count and guest list)
Your event attendee statistics explained
How do I create tally lists for my event?
Updating event details
Auto sign-in to the Qflow for events check-in app
Updating a guests information
Blocking and unblocking a guest
Manual guest name look up
Searching by ticket types, tallies and tags on your web dashboard.
Importing guest data (guest lists & ticket data)
Exporting your attendee data
Adding and deleting guest tags
Deleting an imported guest list using your web dashboard
Creating an event on the web dashboard
Deleting a guest via the web dashboard
Deleting an event using the web dashboard
Disabling & enabling an event
What are the advanced settings on my Qflow for events web dashboard?
Creating Check-in admin team members
Live URL event statistics link
How Qflow for events guest group ID tagging works
Eventbrite & MailChimp - Qflow ticket plugins
Attendee statistics explained (Web dashboard)
Check in management from a web dashboard event page